Previously you learned about the importance of training your dog for a Pet Fence RI. Without the proper training, your Underground Fence is pointless. Part of your commitment to yourself and your dog when you purchase an Underground Fence is to proper training. The best training to get is professional training – but you also need to be committed to stick to that training for the ultimate positive outcome of your Underground Fence. Just like you cannot potty train a child in a day, you cannot train your dog to obey the boundaries in a day – one step at a time is crucial. Truth be known, dogs just like children are going to test boundaries. The only way to combat this issue is to be consistent about putting the containment collar on your dog, no matter how comfortable you or he gets with the boundaries.
Now it is time to learn 2 more things you did not know about a Pet Fence RI:
- Testing the Boundary – The truth is – most dogs will test the boundary even after being thoroughly trained. Dogs are just like humans, aren’t we all tempted to test the boundaries at some point? Maybe not right after being reprimanded or reminded of something – but later on down the
road, those boundaries are sure tempting. The same goes for your dog. Once the visual flags come down and you “forget” to put the containment collar on – all bets are off and your dog can zip right through the boundaries once again. This only serves to confuse your dog and leads to frustration for the dog owners as well.
- Use the Containment Collar – It is very tempting to stop using the containment collar once you think your dog has mastered the boundaries. You might find yourself wondering, why he needs it. The truth is – HE DOES NEED IT. Without the collar, all of your hard work training your dog is now out the window. A whole new set of boundaries has been set for your dog. Even worse, if you stop using the collar and then start again because he is going through the boundary, you run the risk of scaring him into going into the yard. You are changing the boundaries too many times – dogs need rigid rules, not rules that can be bent every now and then. Your dog will become neurotic.
The Final Word:
The best way to ensure the success of your Pet Fence RI is with proper and consistent training. Put the containment collar on your dog in the morning and do no take it off until nighttime. This reduces any room for error or mistakes and the risk of un-training your dog.
For more information on the proper training for a Pet Fence RI, contact the professionals that have trained thousands of dogs and their dog owners by clicking HERE or by calling them direct at 508-404-3647 in MA, 401-942-3647 in RI or 866-364-8724 in CT.