Located off of route 195 in Providence it is the more popular dog park. However, it is more difficult to get to simply because One must endure the problems of Providence highways. Going back roads to get there is a possibility but unlikely it will be beneficial time wise. Once off the highway it is pretty easy to find. With a premium location right next to a Dunkin’ Donuts (totally clutch), Gano Dog Park is hidden behind the basketball courts.
Now let’s talk amenities. Like most dog parks in the area there are two separate sections for big dogs and little dogs, each with a double gate. The rules are similar with no dogs under 4 months, clean up after your dog, don’t let your dog dig and so forth. There are empty trash cans showing the place is looked after and a box of poop baggies is provided for owners. Most of this stuff is quite standard but the park offered some interesting features. First of all it was the first park that wasn’t flat. A hill in the middle allowed dogs to run up and down, and it had both grass and sand.
While most dog parks have shady areas underneath a tree, Gano has kind patrons who brought a tent to put over a custom made bench for dog owners. Next to this tent and bench was another custom made piece. This was a wonderful bench that has 3 dog bowls inserted inside of it. However, all of these features are included within the large dog park. The small dog park is seldom used. A smaller area on the other side of the basketball court, it has less to offer. Generally the smaller area is used for training dogs that are easily distracted or keeping dogs that do not play well with others away from the pack. When I was there a veteran cookout was happening and they set up right next to the small dog area.
I can’t imagine anything more painful for a little pooch who isn’t allowed to have food at the park be on the other side of a fence from all the hamburgers and hotdogs he could possible devour.
When talking with one of the patron’s she stated that it was a great group of people who came there and most people knew each other. They work well within the dog community and respected the space and each other. This is probably why it isn’t a problem when large and small dogs played in the same area together. If one dog was bullying another then it would move to the other area. Overall, it is a convenient park right off 195 with a few great features and a spokesperson who gets what the park deserves. Leave your impressions of the park below!