Using an Electric Dog Fence in yard with a pond
Mary & Frank from Connecticut have a pond on their property and they like to let their dog go swimming occasionally. Mary, like many of our customers wondered if an Electric Dog Fence can include part of a lake or pond so that the dog can go into the pond without having to remove the containment collar first.
The simple answer is yes the containment area can include a ‘wet’ location such as a pond
The real life answer really requires you ask your self how you plan to utilize the system and if you want your dog to have access to the pond/lake without you being around.
You have two choices on how to configure your electric dog fence system when there is a body of water in or abutting the yard.
The first option is to place the boundary wire in the lake or pond in order to provide the animal with direct access to the water. This will allow the dog to enter the water on his own without having to remove the containment collar. In reality it seem like a good idea- give the dog access to romp, play & fetch without having to change anything in his routine.However… in many years of experience we have found that allowing the dog direct access to the water often results in a muddy pet and a messy house. This may seem like a non issue to some folks. Why not just give a dog that loves water access to it? Well…if your dog goes from outside to inside the house you’ll find you have to frequently clean and dry him before he comes into the house a a wet mess. Do you live in an area that freezes in the winter? Be careful, very, very careful. If water freezes where you live your dog will likely encounter times of the year where the water doesn’t freeze completely putting his safety at risk by falling through the ice. Is his safety worth this?
The second (and more common option) is to keep the containment boundary area away from the body of water. This gives you control over when he is allowed access to the body of water. You make that choice, not him. A month or so after containment training is complete you can remove his collar and walk them to the water on a leash. This is the most common way of keeping pets safe and happy.